Hire a Car Accident Lawyer


Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

If you've been involved in a car accident, you may need to hire a car accident lawyer. A good car accident lawyer can help you recover losses resulting from a motor vehicle accident and/or reduce the hefty amount of paperwork, "red tape," and hassle often associated with car accident insurance claims. Knowing when to contact or hire a car accident lawyer can make the difference between a justly resolved case and owing or losing large monetary damages.
Below is important information you need to know about hiring a car accident lawyer.
Why You Need a Car Accident Lawyer
Unfortunately, car accidents are everyday occurrences. Most personal injury claims in the U.S. are a result of an accident involving a car, truck, or other motor vehicle. Many of these accidents result in minor vehicle damage in the form of a "fender bender," and can generally be handled alone through direct contact with an insurance company. However, car accidents that involve physical injury, fatality, or other significant damage may warrant the legal representation of an experienced car accident attorney.
An experienced car accident lawyer can help you get compensation to cover any losses incurred due to the accident, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and car repairs. In some states, a car accident lawyer may help you recover when a loved one is killed, especially if reckless drivingspeeding, or drunk-driving was involved.
What to Look For in a Car Accident Lawyer
Car accidents lawyers cover a range of issues stemming from personal injury, wrongful death, property destruction, and liability determinations. When looking for a car accident lawyer, you should concentrate on the lawyer's experience, skill level, commitment, location and fee structure.
For example, your car accident attorney should be well versed in state and national transportation laws, know how to deal with insurance and health care companies, and know how to effectively prepare and settle a case. Also, it's important that you check the attorney's background, references, and track record.
Lastly, a good attorney will typically accept your case on a contingency or "no win-no fee" basis if the attorney feels your case has any merit, so it's important to check the attorney's standard fee structure.
When to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer
It is best to hire a car accident lawyer early to avoid any costly mistakes. The deadline for filing personal injury claims varies from state to state. Because you may need to pay for medical bills and/or cover lost wages, the sooner you contact an attorney the better. In general, a person should contact an attorney shortly after the accident occurs -- within a week or two of the accident -- but before reaching a settlement with the insurance company.
Questions to Ask a Car Accident Lawyer
Before speaking with a car accident lawyer, you should have as much detailed information and facts about the car accident and any injuries or financial losses as possible. Documents you might want to show your attorney after a motor vehicle accident may include your insurance policy, information exchanged at the accident scene, and medical records, among other things. Below are some of the questions you should ask before hiring a car accident lawyer.
  • What percentage of your practice is devoted to car accident cases?
  • What experience do you have with the specific type of injury in question?
  • What is a typical settlement range for cases similar to mine?
  • How much of my car accident case will you actually handle?
  • How are your fees structured?
  • What out-of-pocket expenses am I responsible for?
Car Accident Lawyer Fees
Most car accident cases are handled on a contingency or "no win-no pay" basis. This means that if the attorney does not win or settle the case on your behalf, he or she does not collect a fee. On the other hand, if the attorney wins the case, the attorney will get a percentage of the personal injury award. The attorney's percentage varies from case to case, but can equal approximately one-third to 40% of the total award, with different limits imposed from state to state. It's important to note that attorney fees are different from costs, and you may be responsible for certain out-of-pocket expenses associated with your case.
Find Out More About Your Car Accident Claim with a Free Consultation
If you're interested in learning more about your claim, you can do so free of charge. A great first step in finding the right attorney and pursuing your claim is to contact an attorney who's experienced in auto accident law for a free claim evaluation. That way, you'll know more about the strength of your case and be better prepared to make crucial decisions going forward.
Search : https://injury.findlaw.com/car-accidents/hire-a-car-accident-lawyer.html

Attorneys Answer: When do you need to hire a car accident lawyer?


Attorneys Answer: When do you need to hire a car accident lawyer?

When To Hire A Car Accident Lawyer

We asked 13 attorneys to answer a clients question: “When do I need to hire a car accident lawyer?

Keep in mind that the insurance carriers have teams of lawyers and adjusters who begin evaluating your injury claim once they receive notice of such. Thus, it is essential you retain legal counsel immediately (assuming you are injured as a result of the collision) to level the playing field.
It is important to note that not all personal injury law firms are the same. In fact, many of the biggest advertising firms are little more than settlement mills. A settlement mill is a firm that relies on heavy advertising as the lifeblood of their business and litigate a disproportionate amount of their cases. Such firms do not rely on current or former clients to refer cases via word-of-mouth and can thus afford to employ a mill mentality to their handling of cases. In fact, settlement mills tend to leave money on the table at the time of settlement as they are more concerned with resolving a volume of cases each month to pay their expensive advertising budget. Keep in mind that even an average trial lawyer is superior to a settlement mill as the insurance carrier must spend money defending a trial or a case that has advanced far in litigation. The goal of any insurance carrier is to save money and forcing them to run up costs gets their immediate attention.
The Dolman Law Group has decades of experience in protecting the rights of car accident victims all throughout Florida. David Neiser is a Board Certified Civil Trial Attorney and our firm has tried a number of cases before Florida juries. We have the financial resources to stand toe-to-toe with any insurance carrier or corporation. Our skilled and dedicated attorneys will fight to ensure that you are fairly compensated for your losses. Call (727) 451-6900 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation today.
If you have been involved in a car accident resulting in a physical injury, your likelynext step is to file a claim with your insurance company along with the insurance carrier for the at-fault party. Since Florida is a no-fault state, a PIP insurance(Personal Injury Protection) claim will be opened in order to treat your injuries. You must also file a claim with the other driver’s insurance (if they were at fault) in order to pay for the medical bills and lost wages that exceed PIP’s $10,000.00 in maximum benefits. This process is fairly routine and most people driving in Florida understand how it works. The “no-fault” system simply means that no matter who is at fault in the accident, you will treat under your own PIP benefits for the first $10,000.00 in medical bills. The purpose of the “no-fault” system is to enable an auto accident injury victim to commence immediate medical treatment without having to wait for a Court of Law to determine who in fact is liable for the car wreck.
Once you’ve filed a claim, it will be up to the insurance company to determine the value of such. The insurance carrier may also deny the claim completely. It can become complicated when filing multiple claims with different insurance companies, facilitating treatment and repairs, and ensuring that you’re getting the compensation you deserve.
If your injuries are minor, then you may continue to try to handle the case yourself. If your injuries are more serious, then you will probably begin to wonder about the hiring process of a personal injury attorney.
We went out and asked 13 different attorneys a simple, yet extremely important question: “When should someone hire a car accident attorney?” Read their answers below.

When do you Need to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

Matt DolmanIndividuals who are involved in a motor vehicle accident should hire an attorney as soon as possible. Car accidents have the potential to leave victims with serious injuries and tremendous damage to their property. Florida law allows people to recover financial compensation for these and other types of losses, but only if they are able to establish that their accident was caused by someone else’s legal negligence. Two of the most important reasons that car accident victims should retain an attorney immediately include:
• Sometimes, establishing negligence can be difficult – When liability after a car accident is contested, investigation may become necessary to establish negligence. A car accident lawyer will know where and how to look for evidence that supports your case.
• You may inadvertently admit fault – Insurance companies are in the business of making money
and train their adjusters to minimize the amount they pay out, even on completely valid claims.
In some cases, an insurance company may try and obtain a statement from you or ask certain questions hoping that you inadvertently admit full or partial liability for an accident, which could have a significant impact on your ability to recover. When you retain an attorney, he or she will deal with the insurance company on your behalf and make sure you receive the compensation to which you are entitled.
Matthew Dolman – Dolman Law Group
John K LawlorAfter sustaining seemingly minor injuries in a car accident in Florida, many drivers believe they don’t need a lawyer. This line of thinking can be a dangerous and costly mistake—oftentimes, car accident injuries don’t appear for weeks or even months after the initial accident.If you’ve been in a car accident due to another driver’s negligence, it’s highly advisable to consult with an auto accident attorney as soon as possible, even if you think that you’re totally fine. A car accident lawyer can help you understand your options, and assist you in obtaining fair compensation for any medical and rehabilitation costs that may arise in the future, as well as repair fees, lost wages, and overall pain and suffering.
Florida’s no-fault laws can make it difficult to secure adequate compensation, but an attorney can help you push for the settlement you need to ensure your long-term recovery.
John K. Lawlor – Lawlor, White, and Murphy
Andrew WinstonAfter enduring a traumatic car crash, many Florida accident victims are too shaken to even think about hiring an attorney. But hiring a car accident lawyer is essential after sustaining even a seemingly minor injury in an auto accident if you want to protect your right to fair compensation.Navigating Florida’s no-fault insurance system and accident laws can be complex, and a seasoned attorney can help you understand your options, pursue your claim, and defend you against unfair settlement offers from insurance companies.It’s important to remember that insurance companies are first and foremost a business, so insurers will often try to pay the minimum amount of compensation possible to secure maximum profit for their company. Frequently, their settlement will not be enough to cover the cost of medical treatment and basic repairs.
An auto accident attorney can fight vigorously on your behalf, ensuring that you receive adequate compensation not only for medical and repair costs, but also for lost wages and overall pain and suffering.
Andrew Winston – The Law Office of Andrew Winston
The aftermath of a car accident is so stressful that hiring a lawyer may take a backseat to immediate concerns like addressing your injuries, dealing with your insurance company and repairing your vehicle.
Many accident victims don’t realize that retaining a lawyer in the days or hours after an accident means gaining an advocate to help you make critical decisions. It’s never too soon to consult an attorney after a crash. I’ve had clients call my 24-7 hotline from the scene of a crash to get advice on how to proceed. Those clients benefit from receiving professional advice about how to navigate the complicated post accident labyrinth of medical bills, physical therapy and vehicle repairs.
Many people don’t realize they have options in the aftermath of an accident. Most importantly, sharing information with insurance companies can be tricky. It’s critical to contact your insurance company immediately after an accident. However, it is generally never a good idea to speak to the insurance adjuster representing the other driver.
Typically, the other party’s insurer will ask you to give a recorded account of the accident as soon as possible. You have no obligation to give an official statement to the other driver’s insurance company. In fact, locking yourself into a version of events recalled while still under duress from the accident often hurts your damage claims down the line. Soft tissue injuries of the head may not be apparent immediately. As a result, you could make it difficult to recover physical therapy costs down the line if you initially report feeling fine.
Some clients don’t initially consult a lawyer because they trust that insurance companies will fairly cover their medical bills, vehicle repairs and lost time at work. Unfortunately, this is the exception to the rule.
Often clients consult me when they are at their wits end, feeling frustrated with delays or denials of liability from insurers. They are surprised to learn that insurance companies aren’t actually on your side; they are looking out for their bottom line and their shareholders.
If auto insurers can find a reason to deny your claim, they will. Hire a lawyer, so you can recover the compensation you deserve for the injuries, vehicle repairs and time lost to dealing with your accident.
Let your lawyer wade through the paperwork and hours of negotiating that accrues after a crash. Finally, make sure you put your case in the hands of a professional who is adept at dealing with the insurance companies. Only experienced personal injury lawyers understand how to handle the intricacies of a case to ensure adequate compensation.
Randolph Rice – Law Offices of Randolph Rice
Tina WillisYou need to consult with an auto accident attorney immediately. The only thing that takes priority is visiting your doctor or hospital because prompt medical treatment is also essential.The good news is that you are never obligated to hire an accident attorney. But you can still benefit from hearing a thorough explanation regarding how a personal injury attorney might help you recover more money.
There are numerous critical problems with waiting to call a lawyer, including the destruction or disappearance of needed evidence or witnesses. Also, accident victims without lawyers usually do not deal with medical providers in the best way, nor visit all medical providers that they need quickly enough. Good lawyers will spend the time to educate their clients regarding how to navigate their medical situation, which is essential because medical records are probably the most important evidence presented during any accident lawsuit.
Additionally, accident victims without lawyers often make big mistakes when talking with insurance adjusters. Insurance adjusters pretend that they want to help, while trying to convince the injured victims to take often far less than they deserve after any car, truck, motorcycle, pedestrian, or bicycle accident. Make no mistake: the insurance company only cares about paying you as little as they can. So adjusters often do not mention legally available damages when an injured victim contacts them without an attorney. For example, the adjuster may not explain that you are entitled to future medical expenses, pain and suffering damages, as well as any lost wages.
Potential clients should also make sure they are not dealing with a settlement mill law firm, where case managers or paralegals dealing with hundreds of cases each have little incentive to help individual clients maximize their recovery.
Tina Willis – Tina Willis Law
Ted SpauldingThere is no exact science as to when you should and when you should not hire a lawyer to represent you in your car accident case. As a general rule, if at any time you do not feel comfortable handling your claim on your own, for any reason, you should consult with and hire a car accident lawyer. Beyond that there are no hard and fast rules. We have come up with a few of our own that we advise potential clients on to help them make a decision whether to hire us or not. Below are a few of those.If you were not injured in the accident and therefore only have a property damage claim, you likely do not need to hire a lawyer. This is because insurance companies typically do not play games with the value of the property damage.
If you were injured in the accident then it is more likely that you will want to hire a car accident lawyer. Still there may be instances where you can handle the claim on your own. For example, if you have relatively minor injuries that do not require or did not require more than a few weeks of conservative treatment (i.e. no surgery etc.), then you may be able to handle that claim on your own. Much like the property damage claim, insurance companies tend not to play games with the value of minor injury claims. We typically tell potential clients that if your medical expenses are less than $10,000.00 then it is something you may be able to settle on your own without the need for a lawyer’s help.
If you were severely injured and/or your treatment has lasted well beyond just a couple of weeks, it is probably time to hire a lawyer. As your claim increases in value, so does the chances that the insurance company is going to dig in and fight to minimize your claim as much as possible. So if you have bills over $10,000.00 or found out you have a major injury like a herniated disc or broken bone, it is probably time to hire a lawyer.
In conclusion, remember the first rule that if at any point in the claims process, regardless of your injuries or the amount of your medical expenses, you feel uncomfortable handling your claim on your own, it is time to seek legal representation.
Ted Spaulding – Boling Rice, LLC
Clay BurgessThe world we live in has evolved into a technology based creature with evidence which may be favorable to both the prosecution and defense of your claim being collected all around you. Likewise the answer to question has also evolved over the past decades. We live in a world of street cameras, cell phones and event recorders located within our vehicles. If you are involved in a car accident it is likely that the electronic evidence contained on one or more of these devices may become a factor in your claim.Immediately following the car accident it is likely that police will be called to scene to investigate. You will likely be asked questions regarding what occurred or asked to complete a written statement. The officer may ask you if you were speeding. Talking on a cell phone? Texting? How you answer these questions could aversely impact your situation. You will have to make a decision on the spot whether you choose to answer these questions or complete a written statement.
It is always good sound advice to seek out an experienced car accident attorney. Regardless of the extent of your damages and the value of your claim you can learn a wealth of information about how to move forward and protect yourself from exposure in a disputed case. Most firms will offer a FREE consultation to individuals injured in a car accident regardless of situation. Therefore, you should strongly consider seeking out an experienced car accident attorney.
AJ BruningWhen you’ve been in a car accident, you suddenly have a lot to deal with that you hadn’t planned for.  You are now injured, your vehicle is damaged and you have to navigate a claims process that is unfamiliar to you.  Lawyers can reduce your stress of going through this process.  Hiring a auto accident attorney to represent you means you will have a professional working for you.Often after a car accident, an insurance adjuster representing the other driver will contact you and offer money to settle your claim.  But are they offering you fair value for your claim?  Chances are they are not.  You need an attorney who understands how much your case is really worth.  An attorney who knows how and when to negotiate with the insurance company in order to get the full value of your claim.
Many attorneys will give you a free consultation, so contact an experienced one and see what they can do for you and your case.
Anthony Bruning Jr. – Bruning Legal
Robert-ClementsWhen you are involved in an automobile crash the first thing that comes to mind is what do I do now?You must do the following:
1) If you are injured get treatment at the scene or go to the hospital;
2) Obtain the other driver’s personal and insurance information;
3) Take pictures of the property damage and accident scene;
5) Give a statement to the police;
6) Do not talk to anyone other than the police.
Our firm believes the most important part of a personal injury claim is your health. If you are injured you need to seek medical attention immediately.
Hiring a personal injury attorney is important when you are injured. I know most people believe the insurance companies will take care of them in an automobile crash. However, most insurance companies are more concerned about the bottom line than the injured party. This is not in your best interest.
Your attorney will help you get a recovery that is equal to your damages.
Robert Clements – Clements & Clements
Stewart GussIf you or your passengers have been injured in a car accident, or if you have sustained significant property damage, it is always a good idea to consider hiring a car accident lawyer. A good car accident attorney can help make sure that you get the medical care for your injuries, often without the co-payments or deductibles you face when using your health insurance. Often times, people don’t realize they are injured until the day after a car accident. By then, they may have spoken to an insurance adjuster and already said something to jeopardize their right to a full recovery. This is why we recommend anyone who may have sustained an injury or major damage to their vehicle consult a lawyer before calling the insurance company. Even if you are unsure if you need representation, most reputable car accident attorneys will offer a free, no obligation consultation in order to help assess your rights.
Stewart Guss – Stewart Guss, Attorney at Law
ken-carpContacting a car accident lawyer before you make your initial puts you in the best position possible. Auto accident claims are like spider legs, lots of moving parts and without coordination you can fall. Insurance coverage is hard to understand and coordinating your coverages for uninsured motorist, medical payments, liability and collision is difficult enough before you add a third party being liable, or health insurer wanting to get or your being told that your car is worth less than what you owe. Obviously there’s more to a car accident claim than a personal injury settlement.Good people think there is no harm in giving a statement to either insurance company because once they tell the truth the insurance company will do the right thing and pay what you are asking for. However, insurance companies are motivated by (1) taking in more money than they pay, and, (2) adhering to the terms of your policy. Therefore, what you and the insurance company see as the right thing may differ. Speaking with an attorney before providing a statement follows the old saying that “it’s not what you say but how you say it”. A responsible attorney can educate you on what the insurer is trying to find out and so you can give the adjuster the information in a way that does not jeopardize your claim. It’s not about lying – it’s about giving the correct information that allows maximum coverage.
Here’s a little known secret! Medical providers who have not been fully paid can be forced by Missouri Law to settle for pennies on the dollar if you are working with an attorney. If you deal directly with the insurance company you lose this privilege under Missouri Law. The best time to contact an attorney is when you decide that you and your family want the maximum coverage possible with the least amount of stress. Statistically speaking victim net more with the help of an attorney than going at it on their own.
Kenneth P. Carp – Law Office of Kenneth P. Carp
Bill Hurst Anytime you are injured in a car accident you should consult a car accident attorney. Doing so will ensure you get the best advice possible on how to proceed with your claim.Most of the time an attorney will be needed in order to get you the compensation you deserve. This is because insurance companies will attempt to pressure you into settling for much less than you deserve. They will use various tactics to convince you that what they are offering is a fair settlement, but what you must remember is they are looking out for their own best interests, not yours. That is why hiring a personal injury lawyer is imperative in these situations. Doing so will not only alleviate the stress involved with trying to settle a claim on your own, it will also ensure that you are adequately compensated. Pursuing a claim for serious injuries requires extensive resources that only an attorney will be able to provide.
In some cases where the injuries are so minimal that hiring an attorney would be against your best interest and an experience personal injury attorney will recognize that right away and instruct you to either settle with your insurance company on your own or file suit in a small claims court. Most small claims courts have specific instructions on how to handle your own claim and a personal injury lawyer can point you in the right direction.
Regardless, if you are involved in a car accident you should reach out to a car accident lawyer, most if not all offer free consultations and will steer you in the right direction.
William W. Hurst – Law Office of William W. Hurst
Charlotte Christian When do you need to hire a car accident lawyer? Before you have a wreck. Think backwards… think about those videos that move in slow motion backwards, the car in the video goes from crinkled to straight, the girls in the video go from scared to laughing, the shattered glass goes from shattered to smooth. The wreck happens, but backwards…In that backwards scenario, you need to have a lawyer. Not one you’ve written a check to and said “hey, if I’m ever in a wreck, here’s your check, represent me.” That’s not about what I am talking. What I am talking about is hire a lawyer in your mind, way before you need him or her. Read up on what you do if you are in an accident. Look at lawyer’s websites. Good lawyer, not the clowns. Look at the good lawyer sites and know that you shouldn’t talk to an insurance adjuster, know ahead of time that you shouldn’t take blame for the accident, and know that you should go to the hospital to get checked out for your injuries. Know that you should have a maximum amount of UM coverage.
Know what to do. Hire a lawyer in your mind. Have knowledge before the glass breaks. Learn about the best accident attorneys in your state today. Be ready. Don’t send in the joker lawyers, send in the best to represent. Hire them today in your mind, but hire them immediately after you have your injuries checked out after an accident.
Charlotte Christian – Charlotte Christian Law

Search : https://www.dolmanlaw.com/hire-car-accident-lawyer/


What is a personal injury claim?


What is a personal injury claim?

A personal injury claim is a legal case you can start if you’ve been injured in an accident and it wasn’t your fault. It’s the process of recovering compensation from the party responsible for your injury.
Typically, an injury claim can be started when you or a loved one has been injured in an accident that:
  • Happened within the last three years
  • Resulted in you suffering financially as well as physically
  • Was caused by somebody else
Nobody expects to be injured – that’s why we’re proud of the work we do to help people after they’ve been involved in an accident. We offer free, impartial advice about compensation and can guide you through the first steps.
If you’ve suffered an injury and it feels wrong, find out how we can help you make it right on 0800 456 1053.

Can you claim?

The simplest way to find out if you can make a claim is to contact us on 0800 456 1053.
During your call with us, we’ll listen to everything you say, and will offer free advice with no rush or pressure to start a claim. We’re here to provide you with the support and help you need – in your own time and in your own way.
We have 20 years’ experience helping people to make personal injury claims – we’ll be able to let you know whether we think you could make a claim before putting you forward to a solicitor.
If you don’t feel ready to speak to us, you can try our claim checker.

Types of personal injury claim

“Personal injury claim” is a broad term used to describe a lot of different types of accidents.
As the UK’s most trusted and recommend personal injury service, we’re committed to answering your questions and providing you with free, impartial advice tailored to you – based on your experience and your type of accident.
We don’t believe in using unnecessary legal jargon. That’s why we’ve listed the most common types of personal injury claims we work with below, and included links to where you can read more.

Road traffic accidents

If you’ve had a no-fault car accident, you can usually claim for the damages to your car on the responsible party’s insurance. This means the cost of repairing or replacing your car is covered by somebody else.
But what about the cost to your health?
Your insurance claim doesn’t cover your lost earnings, the cost of treatment for your injuries, or the stress and pain caused by your accident.
Whether you were a passengerdriverpedestrian or cyclist, if you were injured in a road accident that wasn’t your fault, then it’s likely we can help you make a claim.
Read more about road traffic accidents here.

Accidents at work

Your employer is responsible for your safety at work – they’re legally required to make your workplace and tasks as safe as possible. They must also provide you with the correct training for any work you do as part of your job role.
Suffering an accident at work can be stressful. It may have left you feeling anxious about your job and worried about your finances, which can make your recovery even more difficult.
Using our 20+ years of experience and our network of specialist solicitors, we can help you make it right. You can find out more about work accident claims here, or you may like to read “is my job at risk?”.

Slips, trips and falls

It’s a common misconception that slips, trips and falls generally only result in minor injuries, such as cuts or scrapes.
In fact, slips, trips or falls form a significant portion of the personal injury cases we work with. They can cause serious harm such as broken bonesback injuries or head and brain injuries.
Please don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed if you’ve fallen in public. The owner of the premises you fell in has a duty to keep you safe – just as the council has an obligation to keep public pavements and roads safe from tripping hazards.
If they’ve failed to do this, then your accident was the result of negligence and could have been prevented by the responsible party.
Find out more about compensation after a slip, trip or fall.

Fatal or life-changing injuries

Sometimes we are contacted by family members and loved ones of somebody who has suffered a fatal accident or a life-changing injury.
If your loved one has suffered an injury that has changed their life and yours, or has recently passed away, we’re truly sorry. We know how overwhelming it can be to lose someone close to you.
At such a difficult time, we’re here to offer pressure-free advice. We can’t take away what you’ve been through, but the money you could receive may help to provide your loved one with the support they need. For example, it could help to pay for home adaptations and medical treatment.
For more information, we recommend reading our serious injuries page or reading through our serious injuries FAQs.
Alternatively, you can call us for free, impartial advice on 0800 456 1053; we have somebody on hand to listen, and we’ll never push you to take any further steps.

Medical negligence

If you’ve suffered through any form of medical negligence, we can help you.
If your doctor failed to diagnose you, misdiagnosed you or your diagnosis was delayed, and this caused you to be injured for longer than you should have been, we can help.
Your life may even have been put at risk – we can help you to make it right.
You may also be able to make a personal injury claim for surgical errorsdental errors or any negligent behaviour that left you in pain longer than you should have been.

Your compensation

During your claim, your solicitor will negotiate on your behalf and will do everything they can to get you the maximum amount of compensation you deserve.
To do this they consider the impact of your injury on you and your family and any expenses you’ve suffered, including:
  • The type of injury you’ve suffered
  • The severity and lasting effects of your injury
  • Your salary and loss of earnings
  • Daily expenses
  • Medical expenses, including any treatment you’ve received as well as recommended future treatment
If you’re interested in getting an estimated settlement figure before you contact us, you can try our industry leading compensation calculator.

Tips on making a personal injury claim

Collect information

The main areas of detail that will help support your claim are things like:
  • Name and contact details of everybody involved
  • Registration numbers of vehicles, if it was a road traffic accident
  • Name of the place you suffered an injury in, if it was a slip, trip or fall
  • The exact details of your work accident (including any machinery)
  • The names and wards of the doctors or medical staff who treated you

Record details of your injuries

We all recover from injuries in different ways and at different speeds. Taking photos and recording your symptoms as you recover will help identify the seriousness and impracticality of your injuries.
It’s also helpful to get statements from witnesses or friends and family after the accident, particularly if they’ve helped you recover or get about while you’ve been injured.

Be organised

Further into your claim, it’s likely you’ll be asked for specific dates relating to your accident. To make things easier, we recommend writing these dates down so that you have them readily available.
Letters and documents that relate to your accident and injury may also be beneficial to your claim, so it’s worth putting these somewhere safe.
Your solicitor may be able to negotiate to have some of your loved one’s costs covered too.

Search : https://www.national-accident-helpline.co.uk/personal-injury-claims.html

When To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney


When To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney

Many people choose to hire an accident lawyer after they've been involved in a car crash that results in personal injury and monetary losses.

Why Should You Hire a Lawyer?

Technically, you can file a personal injury claim against an insurance company by yourself. Some people choose this route when they've suffered only mild injuries and have the time to research the legal claims process themselves. Also, skipping an attorney will save you some money in legal fees.
However, an accident attorney— especially a personal injury attorney—can help you go up against big auto insurance companies and their team of lawyers. Your attorney already knows the personal injury laws and procedural rules and can effectively handle all the legwork for you. He or she will act as your advocate throughout the entire case.
Because an insurance company's lawyers have the knowledge to reduce compensation and even deny the claim altogether, hiring an accident attorney is the best option for people who:
  • Have suffered severe injuries.
  • Are faced with expensive medical bills.
  • Have experienced a significant loss of wages due to their injuries.

Reasons to Consult an Accident Attorney

Consider hiring an accident attorney if any of the following apply to you.

Auto Accident Injuries

Severe Injuries
Generally, the severity of your personal injuries is measured by the:
  • Type of injury (or injuries) you've sustained.
  • Length of time it takes (or will take) for you to recover.
  • Cost of medical bills (and any other therapeutic procedures) you've incurred.
    • This also can include the estimated cost of future medical procedures.
Long-Term or Permanently Disabling Injuries
Generally speaking, a long-term injury is one that lasts for around a year or longer, while a permanent injury is one that disables you for life. These types of personal injuries seriously affect your ability to become and stay employed—not to mention the quality of your life.
Proving long-term and permanently disabling injuries can be tricky business, and your personal injury attorney probably will consult with each medical professional you've seen. He or she even might request the presence of your medical professionals during any legal proceedings.

Disputed Liability

When an insurance company disputes its policyholder's liability for the car crash, the company is basically saying that the policyholder is not at fault (or is at least claiming you don't have enough proof of fault) and, therefore, the insurance company is not responsible for paying for your damages.
An accident attorney will help you provide this proof and show that the other party was indeed at fault.

Refusal to Pay

Refusal to pay (which can but doesn't necessarily stem from a disputed liability) or refusal to pay a fair amount is when an insurance company outright won't make a fair settlement offer—or any offer at all.

Tips for Hiring an Accident Lawyer

Because of possible situations such as statutes of limitations (which can vary by state), it's important to hire a personal injury attorney and get the claims process going as quickly as possible; however, you don't want to hire the first attorney for whom you see a billboard on the highway.
Consider these tips as you look for the right accident lawyer.

Personal Injury Focus

Just as there are many different doctors who focus on many different areas of medicine, there is a wide range of lawyers from which to choose.
As you choose your accident lawyer, make sure he or she focuses on personal injury accidents.
NOTE: Some states' State Bar websites have directories of attorneys organized by their areas of practice.

Car Accident Experience

Not all personal injury attorneys have experience with cases that deal with personal injury caused by a car accident. Some focus more on slip-and-fall accidents, others on work-related injuries, and others still on premise liability cases.
Make sure the attorney you choose has represented individuals who've suffered personal injuries specifically related to car crashes.

Attorney's Reputation

Perhaps nothing spreads reputation more powerfully than word of mouth, and in this day and age you can go beyond just talking to people about their own personal injury attorney experiences to actually researching these attorneys yourself. Simply hop online, search the attorneys' names, and see what others have to say about him or her.

Dedication to Your Case

Here, you'll want to consider a couple of factors.
First, take a look at the attorney's current caseload. While it's not impossible for a skilled lawyer to juggle multiple cases at one time (actually, it's pretty normal), you probably don't want to put your trust in the hands of an attorney whose focus is spread uncomfortably thin.
Second, consider how the attorney treats you and your case. Sure, you probably won't communicate every day, but does your lawyer regularly update you on your claim's status? Make him- or herself available to answer your questions? Return your phone calls in a timely fashion?

Comfort Level

Finally, evaluate your comfort level with the attorney.
You can start gauging your comfort level from the beginning (for example, how do you feel about the attorney's success rate with car accident cases?) and continue beyond the time you hire him or her.
Sometimes, evaluating your comfort level can prevent you from hiring a personal injury attorney who isn't well suited for your case; other times, it might convince you it's time to change course with a new attorney.
Just remember, you suffered personal injury and monetary loss due to a car crash you believe someone else caused. Use these tips—and trust your gut—as you search for the right accident lawyer.

Search : https://www.dmv.org/insurance/when-to-hire-a-personal-injury-attorney.php